
Reggio math activities - Learning to measure from An Everyday Story

In 2013 we started preschool homeschool

There are many reasons for why we decided to home educate Jack and Sarah. But mostly we wanted them to have the opportunity to explore their own passions at a pace which suits their individual needs. We also wanted them to have authentic relationships and experiences with our community and with nature.

We have only just started though and are still finding our feet, our rhythm. Mostly are days are rather relaxed with a lot of play. At 4 and 2 years old, play is enough.

As time goes on though I am thinking about how our learning will evolve. I remember when I was teaching there was one educational theorist who really inspired me, Howard Gardner.

His theory of Multiple Intelligences changed the way I taught completely. The theory that we all learn in unique ways, have different learning styles, really opened my eyes to how we learn.

Since then I have read and been inspired by many other educational thinkers and theorists. I know that what I have taken from their writings will influence our homeschooling.

Inspirational Educational Thinkers and Theories

Educational Theories and Homeschooling Books

In addition to the books I listed on the Reggio-Inspired Books page, there are some other books I have bought to help guide me through home-education:

  1. John Holt: How Children Learn
  2. John Holt: Learning All The Time
  3. The Hundred Languages of Children: The Reggio Emilia Experience in Transformation

Fire project - Drawing - An Everyday StoryOur Homeschooling Rhythm

You can read about our homeschooling rhythm here. We have a large focus on free play as well as project work. Project work is child-initiated and child-led learning based on a topic of their interest. Here are some of our projects so far:

  1. The Volcano Project
  2. The Autumn Leaves Project: Observational Art, Exploring Leaves
  3. The Fire Project: The Blue Fire Extinguisher, Playing with Fire
  4. The Bugs Project

Art with Children: Wool Block PrintingAfter morning tea (snack) we often do an art or Reggio-inspired activity together. Here are some of our favourites:

  1. Natural Lavender Playdough
  2. Self Portraits
  3. Finding Art in Nature: Starry Night
  4. Observing Snails

Reggio Math - hands on learningAfter quiet time, Jack and I have time together to work on some focussed learning. We do mostly literacy and numeracy during this time. Jack is learning to read as well as basic numeracy; counting, quantifying, working with shapes and pattern work. Here are some of the things we do during this time:

  1. Learning to Add
  2. Learning to Measure
  3. Working with Shapes on the Light Panel

spending time in nature free unscheduled unstructured play 6 natural teepeeAfter afternoon tea (snack) we spend the remainder of the day outside. This is a nice way for the children to end the day. Sometimes we go on an outing, other times a bush walk, or just play in the yard.

  1. Behind the Camera – Photography with Children
  2. Out in Nature – Bushwalking
  3. Geocaching

Reggio playroom shelves {An Everyday Story}At our house we are fortunate enough to have space for a playroom and an art space. Here’s a little more on our playroom: Our Reggio-inspired Playroom


So far our year is going well. I like the rhythm of our days, they are slow and calm. The children have lots of time to play and lots of time to explore, all the time learning as they go.

4 thoughts on “Homeschool

    • We are big fans of Montessori as well. I have been reading a lot lately about incorporating more learning materials and activities particularly math and language. Mostly we follow Montessori principles for living but Jack is really interested in reading and counting at the moment so I am thinking about some learning activities as well.

  1. I too am a huge Gardner and Reggio-Emilia fan! Thanks for the book ideas, I’ve never read Holt but will check him out. We have a similar rhythm in our home and so I really enjoy all of your posts, thank you!

    • Holt really started out advocating Homeschool as an alternative to traditional schooling although as homeschooling became more popular, his type of homeschooling, natural homeschooling, has become more recognised with unschooling. I really like his thoughts on how children learn and how to allow them to learn naturally at their own pace.

Thanks for coming by. I do love meeting all of you who follow our days.