The Sunflower Project: How do plants grow?

The Sunflower Project: How do plants grow?

Every now and then you stumble across something really lovely. Last week a friend of mine invited us to a potting class for children at a local plant nursery. It was a gloriously warm day, and as the kids sat … Continue reading

The Blue Fire Extinguisher

‘Mummy Mummy! Look! A BLUE fire extinguisher!’ I could hear his squeals of delight across a room filled with buzzing school children. We were at the National Science Museum in the Natural Disasters gallery. It’s one of Jack’s favourites, with volcanoes and … Continue reading

A Big Learning Curve: The story of a lizard

A Big Learning Curve: The story of a lizard

We are on a big learning curve here. Even though I had been teaching for 10 years, this project-based Reggio-inspired homeschooling is something I didn’t get a lot of experience in. I used to plan the units, create the activities, … Continue reading

The Bugs Project: Learning to Listen and Talk with Jack

The Bugs Project: Learning to Listen and Talk with Jack

You never know when something might spark their interest. But one thing is for sure, something wondrous that Jack discovers on his own is far more magical and engaging than anything I could prepare for him. One afternoon we were … Continue reading

Reggio at Home: Inspiration on Pinterest

Reggio at Home: Inspiration on Pinterest

Is there anyone else out there blogging about implementing Reggio-inspired principles at home? I’ve searched and searched and haven’t really come up with much. There are plenty of Reggio-inspired preschools but what about at home? There has to be…. ** … Continue reading