
‘an acknowledgement that as life in itself is unpredictable, so must education be’ – Malaguzzi


Reggio at Home: Getting Started

An Everyday Story - Reggio and Montessori inspired living and learningAn Everyday Story - Reggio and Montessori inspired living and learning

13 thoughts on “Reggio

  1. Pingback: Getting Started: Reggio at Home | An Everyday Story

  2. Thank you for all the great information you are sharing on here. Can you suggest any books (or websites) for me to learn more about the Reggio approach? I’ve tried seaching our library catalogue, but haven’t come up with anything.

    • All of the books I’ve come across are all curriculum books for teachers. They are a bit wordy and use a lot of tech speak but the information is still really inspiring. Learning Together with Young Children by Deb Curtis & Margie Carter is a curriculum book for preschool teachers but the information is very adaptable to home and the examples are very inspiring. I have ordered a couple more books which should be here soon that are supposed to be targeted more at general readers. I’ll let you know what I think when I get them.

      I’m also trying to find other Reggio-inspired blogs by parent bloggers. Project-based Homeschooling is a wonderful site. Project-based learning is one of the core principles of Reggio so even if you don’t intend on homeschooling or your children are a little younger like mine, there is still a lot of really great information over there.

  3. Thanks again for the reply. I love your blog! Lots of great inspiration. And it’s wonderful that you’re here in Australia, (as so many parenting blogs I enjoy are coming from America, so the seasonal activities and resources are not always relevant to us).

  4. Pingback: A Big Learning Curve: The story of a lizard | An Everyday Story

  5. I love your blog. It has invited me to see (again) the value if following my childs lead and looking into other ways to approach their “education”. Your site also was the first place to provide me with a graspable explanation of the reggio approach. I did a little research and found a formal school that embraces both montessori and reggio. Have a look. I was totally inspired. The st.paul/ minneapolis region of the usa is very progressive with their education.

  6. Pingback: Behind the Camera | An Everyday Story

  7. Pingback: How to set up a Reggio-inspired Activity | An Everyday Story

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