The Simple Deliciousness of Honey Joys

I LOVE honey joys. They are one of those treats which conjure up so many childhood memories. My sisters and I would make these together, always having to make a double batch as sticky fingers somehow seemed to find their way into the mixture.

This recipe is so simple and so deliciously sweet. My mum used to add chopped peanuts to the mix but they’re just as scrumptious without them.


* 3 cups of corn flakes

* 2 tablespoons of honey

* 1 tablespoon of sugar

* 50 grams of butter


* apron

* chopping board

* cutter

* child-sized mixing bowl

* small wooden spoon

* small pyrex jug

* measuring spoon and cup

* 2×6 hole muffin tins and patty papers

* kitchen timer


[Adult preparation]

Oven: 160 degrees (320F)

With a little bit of preparation beforehand, this recipe can be made entirely by your little one.

1: Pour some cornflakes into a separate bowl. This makes it easier for your child to measure out 3 cups independently without having to worry about the cereal bag.

2: Weigh 50g of butter and have it ready for your child to chop into smaller pieces.


1. Measure 3 cups of corn flakes and add to bowl

2. Chop butter and add to pyrex jug

3. Measure 2 tablespoons of honey and add to jug

4. Add sugar to jug and microwave for about 30 seconds (until melted)

5. Pour honey mixture into bowl and mix

6. Line muffin tin with patty papers. Scoop in mixture

7. Put in oven and set the timer for 9 minutes

Now if you can resist the smell, wait about 15 minutes or so until they have set and then gobble them up with a glass of milk. Delicious!

3 thoughts on “The Simple Deliciousness of Honey Joys

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